A DAD regretted taking an overdose in a “selfish” attempt to take his own life just weeks before he fell to his death from a Southend Hospital window, an inquest has heard.

Yesterday, the inquest into the death of 43-year-old Aaron Deeley at Chelmsford Coroner’s Court heard the dad-of-four had previously attempted to commit suicide twice.

Mr Deeley passed away in January 2022 after being admitted to Southend Hospital after an attempted overdose before smashing a window and falling from the second floor.

Earlier in the week, the inquest heard that his death could have been avoided and the Mid and South Essex Trust admitted there were “failings in the care provided during the admission at Southend Hospital”.

Yesterday the inquest, overseen by area coroner Sonia Hayes, heard that the discharge summary after Mr Deeley’s first suicide attempt had been sent to the wrong address, a surgery in Shoebury, which was no longer open at the time of the incident.

The court was told that the Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, which provides community health and mental health services across Essex, “accepted that they had sent it to the wrong address”.

The court also heard parts of the initial assessment made after Mr Deeley was admitted to Southend Hospital, following the first dose.

Ms Hayes read excerpts of the report, quoting Mr Deeley saying: “Everyone would be better off without me”.

The report stated Mr Deeley had taken a serious dose of several different medications, but was regretting the suicide attempt after he was found in a cornfield so “no-one could find” him.

“I was stupid and selfish. I am not hurting myself but my family.”

Mr Deeley was scheduled for a therapy appointment following the first overdose prior to his birthday in December 2021, but he did not attend the session on January 5, 2022, as he had attempted a second overdose, as his family revealed, which had not been reported to medical services.

An inquest opening in February 2022 had concluded that Mr Deeley had died from multiple injuries he sustained after smashing and falling out of a window.

The inquest continues.